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Dental Hygiene Newswire

News and research for Ontario dental hygienists

The road to developing a new strategic plan

Every few years, the ODHA Board of Directors evaluates the association’s strategic plan and priorities. Reviewing the plan every two to three years ensures ODHA remains relevant and current with trends in the profession while developing a clear plan with which to move forward.

Developing the strategic plan was a five-step process with many facets. To start, ODHA invested in an environmental scan which included key informant interviews, member and non-member focus groups, and a thorough competitive analysis of the association. The information collected was valuable and key to better understanding the perception of ODHA within specific groups.

Secondly, the Board of Directors attended a strategic planning retreat in Niagara-on-the-Lake, October 19 – 20, 2019. This two-day intensive retreat, led by an outside facilitator, encouraged and challenged thoughts and ideas through a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis. The Board of Directors was able to identify strengths that ODHA could leverage moving forward, and weaknesses that require work. The group was also able to identify threats that have the potential to impact ODHA’s success and sustainability, as well as opportunities for improvement and growth.

The SWOT analysis was then further refined with a brainstorming plan of action to each corresponding strength, weakness, threat and opportunity. The action steps were then organized into strategic themes, with each action step grouped under the theme that most reflected the intention. The themes and action were then prioritized and assigned completion target dates.

The Board of Directors reviewed the results and summary of the strategic planning sessions at its November 23, 2019 meeting. With a few modifications the Board confirmed the strategic plan. This new strategic plan will guide the direction of ODHA through 2023, at which time, the process will begin again!

Part of the process also included a revision to the ODHA’s Mission and Vision.

Mission: To advance dental hygienists as primary care providers in the interests of the profession and the public in Ontario.

Vision: Oral health for all Ontarians.

This is just a glimpse into the hours and intensive work that goes into developing a strategic plan. The Board of Directors worked diligently and very hard throughout the entire process, and did a fantastic job focusing on key issues and highlighting the association’s strengths that will carry ODHA into a solid future.

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