Barriers to oral healthcare can lead to poorer oral health, resulting in an overall reduction in oral health-related quality of life.
Objective This literature review aimed to assess the barriers transgender (TG) clients experience in accessing oral healthcare
Methodology An electronic search was carried out using CINAHL, PubMed, Science Direct and Medline. Specific terms with Boolean logic and connectors were used. A total of seven papers met the search criteria, and each paper was critically appraised.
Results The literature consisted of three cross-sectionals, one qualitative study, two case-control, and one literature review. They exposed common themes throughout all evidence which were then collated and discussed.
Conclusion The barriers exposed in this review suggest TG clients are at an increased risk of poor oral health due to oral health professionals’ lack of awareness of the issues faced by TG clients daily (e.g., discrimination and harassment), a decline in mental health, increased stress levels, or complex medical history, which impacts negatively on the oral cavity. Creating an inclusive oral care environment involves the whole oral healthcare team. It requires mutual respect for all individuals, embracing diversity, and adopting self-reflection.